What if you could fly happily ever after? That was the motto for a campaign promoting Skyhour and Honeyfund‘s referral program which allows honeymooners in the US to travel around the world using Skyhours with the help of their wedding guests.
Client: Skyhour
Narrator: LThomas
Scriptwriter: Ricardo Henriques
Production: Homembala
Directed by: Nuno Gonçalves - HomemBala
Creative Direction: Nuno Gonçalves - HomemBala
Illustration: João Guapo
Additional Illustration: Pedro Gonçalves
Animation 2D: Nuno Gonçalves
Additional 2D Animation: José Vieira, Jay (João Pedro), Check it out!
Animation 3D: Marcos Morais, Nuno Gonçalves
Music and Sound Design: Ergonoise Sound Design
Type design: Nuno Alves